Equid introduction, hybridisation and agricultural intensification in the Ebro valley from the late Neolithic to the Iron Age
Equipo de Trabajo
Ariadna Nieto Espinet
Principal Investigator
Grup d'Investigació Prehistòrica (GIP)
University of Lleida
She is an archaeozoologist specialising in the study of changes in animal-human interactions (domestication, husbandry, hunting, feeding and ritual/symbolic practices) in different periods of prehistory in Western Europe. The approach developed includes osteoarchaeology, biometry, isotopic mobility analysis. Their research also includes ethnographic work with current European livestock farmers, herders and breeders, to establish a reference base that can be used as a comparative framework to better understand animal production in the past.
Ludovic Orlando
Centre for Anthropobiology and Genomics of Toulouse-CNRS
He's the Director of the Centre for Anthropobiology and Genomics of Toulouse (CNRS UMR 5288), and the co-head of the CNRS AMADEUS LIA (International Associated Laboratory). He is the principal investigator of the ERC Pegasus project. This project will undertake to truly merge approaches in humanities and biosciences for the first time, aiming at understanding how humans forged the modern horse through history, from early domestication times to the advent of modern breeds.
Ada Torra Burgués
Department of Animal Science
University of Lleida
She works as an equine veterinary clinician in the field working as a general practioner in her own practice. She treats leisure, sport and meat horses all around north-west Catalonia. She works as an Associate Professor in the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agraria-Department of Animal Science, UdL and presides the Catalan Association of Equine Veterinarians (AVEEC). As an appasionate of equids, she owns a riding centre where she lives and teaches other people to know and love horses.
Leopoldo Pena
Department of Earth and
Ocean Dynamics
University of Barcelona
Associate Professor at the University of Barcelona. Oceanographer and Geochemist with a research focus on the study of present and past climatic and oceanographic changes at different time scales using state-of-the-art chemical and isotopic tracers. Head of the ultra-clean laboratory facility (LIRA) at UB. Radiogenic (Nd, Sr, Pb) and unconventional (B, U/Th) isotope specialist.
Isidro Aguilera Aragón
Museum of Zaragoza
He is director of the Museum of Zaragoza. His main research focuses on the periods from the Late Neolithic to the Iron Age in the Middle Ebro Valley, although he has also worked on other periods (Palaeolithic, Roman and Visigothic cultures). He is a member of the Research Group Primeros pobladores del valle del Ebro at the University of Zaragoza. He is involved in several research projects, including The Moncayo Archaeological Survey of the University of Durham (UK).
Thomas Huet
University of Oxford
School of Archaeology
Prehistorian and database manager at Oxford University. His main interests are data integration, data mining and data modelling, for the prehistoric periods in the Mediterranean region. He uses programming languages, GIS/databases and web technologies, including web3D, linked data and interactive applications.
Aurora Grandal d'Anglade
Instituto Universitario de Xeología
Universidade da Corunya
She's a palaeontologist at the University of A Coruña who works on the application of molecular and isotopic techniques for the palaeobiological reconstruction of Pleistocene and Holocene mammals, including human and domestic faunas in archaeological contexts.
Adriano Orsingher
Pompeu Fabra University
Barcelone, SPAIN
He is a Beatriu de Pinós Postdoctoral fellow and an Honorary Research Associate at the Institute of Biblical Archaeology at the University of Tübingen. His research focuses on the Bronze and Iron Age Mediterranean, in particular on the islands of Cyprus and Sicily (site of Motya). He is especially interested in colonial situations, bordering regions, cross-cultural interactions, religious activities, networks and movements of people, material culture, technology, craft and cultural traditions.
Natàlia Alonso
Grup d'Investigació Prehistòrica (GIP)
University of Lleida
Her research interests centre on Prehistoric and Protohistoric farming systems in the north-western Mediterranean from the perspectives of archaeobotany and technology. She has participated on a number of projects related to palaeoecology, crops, foraging, food and, above all, cereal crops processing in both agricultural and domestic spheres.
Andreu Moya
Iltirta arqueologia S.L
Lleida, SPAIN
Preventive archaeology professional and collaborator in archaeological research projects at the University of Lleida. His main interest is the prehistoric communities of the III-I millennium BC.
Marta Portillo
Institució Milà i Fontanals-CSIC
Barcelone, SPAIN
She is a researcher studying human-environment interactions and the developments of cultural, economic, and technological behaviors in the Western Mediterranean and the Near East. I pursue these questions through microfossil evidence, primarily from phytoliths and dung microremains in integration with a range of geoarchaeological methods, as well as experimental and ethnoarchaeological approaches.
Pere Miquel Parès
Escola Agrària del Pirineu
La Seu d'Urgell, SPAIN
He's a Veterinary with teaching and researching experience on the field of Animal Anatomy, strongly centred on biometrical and morphometrical aspects of domestic mammals. In addition, he have been working for the local government as Veterinary Inspector (civil servant) of abattoirs (ungulates, rabbit and fowl) for more than 20 years. He have a good experience in postgraduate research and teaching at foreign University level (Zambia -2011-, Kazakhstan -2012 and 2014-, Greece -2013-, Guatemala -2014- and Colombia -2015-).
Angela Trentacoste
University of Kiel
She is a zooarchaeologist, their research is concerned with human-animal interaction, particularly with issues surrounding agricultural economy, husbandry production, and sacrifice/the ritual use of animals. More broadly, she is interested in mobility, specialization, and the impact of urbanism on productive strategies. Their primary area of interest is Italy.
Sílvia Valenzuela Lamas
Institució Milà i Fontanals-CSIC
Barcelone, SPAIN
She is a tenured scientist at the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) and the Principal Investigator of the ERC-Starting Grant ZooMWest. She especialises in zooarchaeology and archaeology of Late Prehistory and Roman times of Western Europe, and the integration of other lines of evidence (mobility isotopes, spatial analysis, statistics, among others).
Pauline Hanot
Paris, France
His research focuses on assessing the human impact on the morphology of past horses in relation to domestication processes and artificial selection. She tries to identify markers of human management on horse bones through 3D geometric morphometric and microanatomical approaches with particular interest in morpho-functional investigations.
Pilar Iborra
Independent researcher
She is a zooarchaeologist with a PhD in Prehistory and Archaeology from the University of Valencia. Her main lines of research and publications are related to the impact of economic, social, ritual and environmental aspects on livestock farming between the Late Neolithic and the Iron Age in the Valencia area.
Xavier Sánchez Salguero
Department of Animal Science
University of Lleida
Degree, master and PhD in veterinary medicine. Co-author of the books "Diagnóstico ecográfico en pediatría de pequeños animales " and "Manual clínico de diagnóstico por imagen en pequeños animales", author of the book "Manual práctico en radiología torácica de pequeños animales". Veterinary professor at UdL (animal internal medicine and animal diagnostic imaging). Head of the diagnostic imaging service of UQD-UdL. Co-owner of Clinica Veterinaria 4 Vents and Cursovet. Radiologist in Vetoclock (radiology and CT).
Daniel Villalba Mata
Department of Animal Science
University of Lleida
Full professor at Animal Science Department. Agronomist and PhD in the University of Lleida. Since 1997, he teaches genetics, nutrition and organic livestock at Agricultural and Veterinarian degrees in the University of Lleida. His research is mainly around Sustainable Livestock Farming, studying efficiency and resilience from genetic and nutritional approaches. He is also the responsible of selection of a local breed of beef cattle (Parda de Montaña).
Georgina Prats
Grup d'investigació Prehistòrica (GIP)
University of Lleida
She studies social dynamics in the past through the study of storage. She is interested in past agriculture, but particularly in productivity, surplus and food security issues. She enjoys combining multiple analytical methods (like GIS) to analyse her data and present it in the most sound way possible.
Alba Castellano
Grup d'investigació Prehistòrica (GIP)
University of Lleida
Pre-doctoral fellow at the University of Lleida. Specialised in ceramic studies in archaeology (cataloguing, quantitative and technological analysis). Her research focuses on the transitional periods between the early Iron Age and the Iberian period (7th-6th centuries BC).
Laia Font
University of Barcelona
Associate researcher at the University of Barcelona. Her speciality is archaeozoological research in the territories of southern Catalonia during recent prehistory (7th-1st centuries BC).
She has participated in different archaeological excavations in both prehistoric and protohistoric periods, highlighting those that the research group has carried out at the Early Iron Age sites of Sant Jaume – Mas d’en Serrà (Alcanar, Montsià) and La Ferradura (Ulldecona, Montsià).
Félix J. Montón Broto
Huesca, SPAIN
His research focuses on the changes in settlement between the Late Bronze Age and the 1st Iron Age. In the last 40 years he has carried out excavations at several sites from this period. Director of the excavation and research project at the La Codera archaeological site.
J. Vicente Picazo
University of Zaragoza
His a professor of Prehistory in the Department of Ancient Sciences at the University of Zaragoza. He is a member of the research group P3A Primeros Pobladores y Patrimonio Arqueológico del Valle del Ebro and of the Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Ciencias Ambientales de Aragón.
Sofía Seguí Barrio
University of Zaragoza
She is doing her dissertation on the of La Codera site in the context of the Iron Age. She has participated and headed several excavations in Huesca. She is currently heading the excavation of the settlement of La Codera and taking part in the project Excavation and investigation of archeological site La Codera.
Arturo Oliver Foix
Diputación de Castellón
Director of the Archaeological and Prehistoric Research Service. Tutor professor at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED). Member of the research group Antiqua. Ancient History and Archaeology of the University Jaume I of Castellón.
His research focuses on the periods of the early Iron Age and the emergence of the Iberian Culture, and the relationship between the coastal areas of the eastern Iberian Peninsula and the different Mediterranean cultures. Director of several excavations at protohistoric sites and projects related to the origin of the Iberian Culture and its social and economic development.